One Lovely Blog Award

Happy weekend one and all!

We were nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award by the wonderful B, queen of productivity and organization and reading and baking and gardening and other things we only wish we could do. The best part about having a wordpress blog is meeting fellow talents like B, and it’s even sweeter when those fellow talents are Canadian! (We’re Canadiana nerds.) B, thanks so much for nominating us and for continuing to enjoy our work. For the record, we are in awe of your organization and find it hard to believe that we share a geographic location since we are such terrible disorganized slobs.

Friends, give B a visit. Here’s our quick tasting menu of what she has to offer: Cupcakes that sound almost too good to be true,  A heavy dose of reading nostalgia, and one that applies to us a little TOO much, The Procrastination Solution.


Welcome to 0wlmachine


We are the Switch Sisters, wannabe experts in all things Disney, Fantasy, Children’s Lit, and occasionally Animal Rights because why stay on topic?

Seven Things to Know About Us

  1. We are, in fact, biological sisters.
  2. erm works in Animals and three works in Money. These are our respective passions and primary motivators in life.
  3. We got our start in writing on, a Harry Potter fanfiction site, in the early 2000’s. We co-wrote script comedies under the pennames “erm” and “strange”. (So much has changed.)
  4. Our first work, The Triangle that Proved Fatal, was a dark comedy in which Draco, Crabbe and Goyle were in a love triangle and then they died.
  5. We at times starred in our own fanfictions (as we all did at some point, let’s be honest). erm was Maleficent Erm and three was her Pig Man.
  6. Whenever we played Cinderella, erm got to be Cinderella and three had to be Jaq.
  7. As kids, we re-watched movies so enthusiastically that our parents and our uncle who babysat us regularly have memorized them to this day. Our favourites to binge were The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Lion King, Cinderella, The Aristocats, and Land Before Time.


We of course must mention Paul of Kids Riding Bicycles, a fellow Disney aficionado whose posts make way more sense than ours. Try this one on Make Mine Music for a taste!

C.M. Blackwood’s Journal is a consistent favourite of ours for book & movie talk. We love posts like this one which always make us want to read/watch the things she is reading/watching!

Animalista Untamed writes compellingly and consistently about all things animal rights. Here’s a recent post because it’s difficult not to link to all of them (or, indeed, reblog all of them).

Here are the rules for accepting your One Lovely Blog Award nomination:

  1. Write a blog post accepting your nomination.
  2. Show the blogger who nominated you how much you love them by thanking them in the post and linking to their blog.
  3. Tell us seven things about yourself.
  4. Nominate other blogs that you think are totally rad.
  5. Let the bloggers you’ve nominated know about they’ve received an award.
  6. Post the rules again to let those bloggers know how it works.

5 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Awww, thanks so much, guys! I’ll have to reblog this one to let people know a little more about how cool you all are. I was really interested to learn a little more about you. Especially the story “The Triangle That Proved Fatal.” That sounds stellar.
    (Thanks for posting the review for my book on Amazon, by the way. I appreciated it more than you know.)
    All my best,

    Liked by 1 person

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